Vegan businesses are exploding in popularity. Learn about successful and inspiring vegan businesses to help you come up with your own vegan business idea.
When starting a business, you need to set up the proper legal structure. Learn about your options and how to choose a structure.
As a business owner, at what point should you start giving yourself a salary, and how much do you pay yourself? Learn some key salary considerations.
If you dream of entrepreneurship, you can get a head start by buying an established business. Find businesses for sale on these online platforms.
Creating an invoice is a simple way to bill your customers and keep track of your accounts receivable. Here's what you need to know to create an invoice.
This guide explains the benefits of a business phone number and walks you through the steps to obtain a phone number for your company.
Toll-free numbers have historically benefited small businesses, but they might be somewhat obsolete now. Here's how to decide whether you need one.
Understand the challenges and opportunities of doing business in Florida, including the tax laws, access to capital, cost of living, and labor market.
This guide explains the advantages and disadvantages of financing a small business with a credit card.
If you're opening a restaurant, this equipment checklist and finance guide can help you get started.
Apple co-founder Steve Jobs revolutionized the computer industry. Read Steve Jobs' biography, quotes and an analysis of his leadership style.
Some unusual businesses may seem illegal or unethical but are actually fully lawful. Explore some examples of dicey businesses that are aboveboard.
Many business owners start sole proprietorships, which require little administrative work. Learn the pros and cons of starting a sole proprietorship.
Follow six steps if you opt to become a corporation as your business's legal structure. Learn corporation types and how they differ from other structures.
Learn the differences and similarities between articles of incorporation and operating agreements to determine which is necessary for your startup.
An LLC is a limited liability company; it protects a business owner's personal assets. Learn the pros and cons of LLCs and how to start one.
Starting a business as an immigrant can be challenging yet rewarding. Learn how to find the correct visa and discover the right information and resources.
C corporations are usually publicly traded companies owned by shareholders. Learn how they differ from other structures and how to start one.
This guide explains the importance of articles of incorporation and why new businesses must file them with the appropriate state agencies.
Many people dream of working for themselves. Learn about self-employed jobs that let you be your own boss and the top careers for the self-employed.
Selecting the correct business type can help your business succeed and flourish. Find out whether your company should be an LLC or an S corporation.
If you’re starting a new small business, find out where to begin and how to achieve success.
For those dreaming big on a small budget, here are a few low-cost businesses to inspire that entrepreneurial passion.
This list of great business ideas offers inspiration to entrepreneurs looking for their next big business idea.
Learn how to embrace planet-friendly business practices while still doing great business.
The majority of small business loans require a personal guarantee from business owners. Learn how guarantees work, the risks and the requirements.
Learn how to turn your idea into a prototype, turn that prototype into a product, and bring that product to market.
Looking for an investment? These tips should help you survive the shark tank.
C2B businesses aim to generate value from their customer base, such as by crowdsourcing ideas or soliciting customer feedback. Learn how a C2B model works.
Despite wars and recessions, these 21 American companies have survived to stand the test of time. Learn what it takes to build a business that lasts.