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Business Ideas

Starting a business starts with an idea. BusinessNewsDaily has outlined the best resources on finding that idea.

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10 Ways You’ll Know Your Business Idea Stinks
By Adam Uzialko | July 08, 2024

Not every business idea is a good one. Here's how to tell if your business idea is bad and act on it.

25 Best Low-Cost Business Ideas
By Sean Peek | May 17, 2024

For those dreaming big on a small budget, here are a few low-cost businesses to inspire that entrepreneurial passion.

26 Great Business Ideas for Entrepreneurs
By Tejas Vemparala | May 14, 2024

This list of great business ideas offers inspiration to entrepreneurs looking for their next big business idea.

How to Open a Retail Store
By Tom Anziano | April 05, 2024

A physical location can help your business find customers and grow sales. Follow these steps for a successful retail store opening.

13 Businesses You Can Start Up Quickly
By Ross Mudrick | April 05, 2024

If you have a talent or service that others want, you could quickly set up a new business. Learn startup ideas, legal considerations and marketing tips.

8 Strange Businesses You Didn’t Know Existed
By Tejas Vemparala | January 17, 2024

Most businesses are frightfully normal, but humans have unusual habits and desires. Learn about 8 strange businesses that carved a niche for themselves.

How to Start a Photography Business
By Pamela S. Stevens | January 17, 2024

This guide offers tips and ideas on starting a photography business, whether you want to capture weddings, pets and families or hone your editing skills.

Businesswoman talking on the phone
Want to Be Your Own Boss? 10 Fields to Consider
By Sean Peek | January 11, 2024

Many people dream of working for themselves. Learn about self-employed jobs that let you be your own boss and the top careers for the self-employed.

Online Business Ideas You Can Start Tomorrow
By Max Freedman | January 03, 2024

Starting an online business offers unique opportunities for entrepreneurs to launch digital startups. Learn 50 online business ideas you can start quickly.

10 Business Ideas for Fashion Fanatics
By Sean Peek | January 03, 2024

Want to break into the fashion industry? These business ideas might just be your opportunity to do so.

How to Start a CBD Business
By Sammi Caramela | January 03, 2024

The CBD industry is growing rapidly. Learn about the CBD landscape, your legal obligations and what you need to start a successful CBD business.

13 Cool Vegan-Friendly Businesses That Inspire
By Max Freedman | December 20, 2023

Vegan businesses are exploding in popularity. Learn about successful and inspiring vegan businesses to help you come up with your own vegan business idea.

15 Great Jobs for Introverts
By Anna Attkisson | December 20, 2023

If you are looking for a job that offers plenty of remote as well as alone time, here are 15 great career paths for introverted workers.

office meeting
Why Didn’t I Think of That? 18 Creative Business Ideas
By Sean Peek | November 29, 2023

Various business ideas on the market are suitable for all different types of people, from retirees to food lovers. Learn about these creative business ideas.

New Business Idea? How to Test It Before Launching
By Sammi Caramela | October 27, 2023

When preparing to start a business, test your business idea first to ensure its viability. Here's how.

12 Unique Business Ideas to Inspire You in 2024
By Max Freedman | October 27, 2023

If you want to start a business, check out these 12 business ideas to inspire you in 2024 – and learn how to develop and implement a unique business idea.

18 Great Home-Based Business Ideas
By Adam Uzialko | October 26, 2023

Want to start a business you can run from home? Check out these ideas for home-based businesses with great potential.

6 Steps to Become an Uber or Lyft Driver
By Saige Driver | October 26, 2023

The barriers to entry are relatively low to drive for Uber or Lyft. Follow these six steps to become a rideshare driver.

Is Direct Sales the Right Career Path for You?
By Mona Bushnell | October 26, 2023

Many aspiring entrepreneurs choose direct sales as a path to self-employment. Here's what you need to know if you're interested in independent sales consulting.

How to Start a Food Truck Business
By Sean Peek | October 24, 2023

Do you want to operate your own food truck? Here’s an overview of everything you’ll need to get started.

8 Unique Delivery Services
By Jennifer Post | October 24, 2023

These unique delivery services make use of modern technology to deliver the things you need on demand or as a subscription.

two business partners conversing at a desk
13 Business Ideas for Couples
By Marci Martin | October 24, 2023

Business opportunities exist for couples who want to run a business together. Learn business ideas for couples and the benefits of couple-based businesses.

10 Business Ideas for Entrepreneurial Grads
By Tejas Vemparala | October 24, 2023

Entrepreneurial college graduates may find inspiration in these business ideas.

How to Start a Restaurant
By Sammi Caramela | October 23, 2023

Starting a restaurant is a dream for many entrepreneurs. Learn the pros and cons of starting a restaurant and actionable steps to ensure success.

You Do What?! 7 Businesses You Didn’t Know Were Legal
By Jeanette Mulvey | October 23, 2023

Some unusual businesses may seem illegal or unethical but are actually fully lawful. Explore some examples of dicey businesses that are aboveboard.

9 Ways to Know if You Have a Great Business Idea
By Shayna Waltower | October 23, 2023

Have you come up with a business idea and wonder if it could be the next great thing? Ask yourself these nine questions to determine its viability.

businessman using a computer
Article Petitions That Worked
By Jeremy Bender | October 23, 2023 is the world's largest petition platform. Discover successful petitions that made impactful changes and what lessons business owners can learn.

Business Advice from Uncle Al … (Capone, That Is)
By Jeanette Mulvey | October 23, 2023

These business insights from Al Capone can help entrepreneurs learn (legal) tips for business success from the legendary gangster.

23 Green Business Ideas for Eco-Minded Entrepreneurs
By Max Freedman | October 20, 2023

Corporate social responsibility is prioritized now more than ever. Learn about ideas for businesses that provide eco-friendly products and services.

11 Business Ideas for Travel Lovers
By Lauren Wingo | October 20, 2023

If you love traveling and want opportunities to see more places, these 11 business ideas can combine your work and passion.