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Your Guide to Starting Your Own Business

All of the topics, tips and resources that will help you start a business from the ground up.

Latest in Starting a Business: Advice, Tips and Resources to Help You Become an Entrepreneur

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How to Start a Sole Proprietorship
By Simone Johnson | November 20, 2023

Many business owners start sole proprietorships, which require little administrative work. Learn the pros and cons of starting a sole proprietorship.

How to Get a Bank Loan for Your Small Business
By Andrew Martins | November 20, 2023

If your business needs funding, a small business bank loan offers a good option, if you qualify. Here is what you need to know to get a bank business loan.

What to Look for in a Bank Account for Your Small Business
By Sammi Caramela | November 14, 2023

Your business bank should provide checking, credit cards and functions like payroll and fraud insurance. Learn about the services your bank should offer.

What Entrepreneurs Can Learn From the Protolabs Cool Idea Award
By Cailin Potami | November 10, 2023

The Protolabs Cool Idea Award helps innovators develop their unique inventions. Get inspired and learn how anyone can turn a cool idea into a business.

Accountant using a calculator
8 Steps to Bankroll Your Business While in Personal Debt
By Nicole Fallon | November 10, 2023

This guide describes how entrepreneurs can fund their businesses even while they manage their personal debts.

How to Find a Factory to Manufacture Your Product
By Shayna Waltower | November 08, 2023

Learn how to turn your product idea into a tangible item by finding the perfect manufacturing factory.

businessman looking over someone's papers at a desk
8 Factors That Keep You From Getting a Small Business Loan
By Simone Johnson | November 08, 2023

Knowing which issues often prevent small businesses from securing loans is a great first step to eliminating these roadblocks in your funding journey.

woman packing up a box
Personality Traits You Need to Start a Business
By Ross Mudrick | November 08, 2023

Specific personality traits are necessary for someone who wants to become an entrepreneur. Learn if you have these traits and how to cultivate them if you don't.

8 ‘Yogi-isms’ on Business and Life
By Adam Uzialko | November 08, 2023

These Yogi-isms from baseball legend Yogi Berra have value for entrepreneurs trying to succeed in business and life.

Small Business Financing Options That Bypass Traditional Banks
By Sean Peek | November 08, 2023

Looking for funding? You can start a business without relying on a traditional bank for funding. Here are some other options.

Thriving Small Businesses Boost Real Estate Values
By Alex Halperin | November 08, 2023

Small businesses impact real estate values by creating a thriving local economy. Learn how real estate and SMBs coexist and help their communities.

Pros and Cons of Forming a Corporation
By Skye Schooley | November 08, 2023

Learn the pros and cons of becoming a corporation so you can decide if incorporating is right for your business.

What You Should Know About Company Mergers
By Skye Schooley | November 08, 2023

Here is everything you need to know about company mergers and their benefits.

How a Microloan Can Help Your New Small Business
By Andrew Martins | November 08, 2023

Find out what business microloans are, who provides them, their benefits and downsides, and how to qualify.

How to Register a Business Trademark
By Simone Johnson | November 08, 2023

When you register a business trademark, you protect your brand. Here’s what you need to know to file the TEAS Plus or TEAS Standard electronic application.

7 Women Entrepreneurs Share Their Biggest Challenges
By Saige Driver | October 31, 2023

Female entrepreneurs divulge the toughest obstacles they’ve faced in business — and the solutions.

How to Start a Business in Ohio
By Julianna Lopez | October 27, 2023

This guide offers everything you need to know about starting a business in Ohio, including the benefits, challenges and requirements.

Accountant working with a laptop and a calculator
Finding the Right Accountant for Your Small Business
By Simone Johnson | October 27, 2023

Accountants can help small business owners set financial goals and manage finances accurately. Learn how to select an accountant for your small business.

9 Places to Find Businesses for Sale Online
By Saige Driver | October 27, 2023

If you dream of entrepreneurship, you can get a head start by buying an established business. Find businesses for sale on these online platforms.

Entrepreneurship Defined: What It Means to Be an Entrepreneur
By Max Freedman | October 27, 2023

What is an entrepreneur, exactly? See examples of successful entrepreneurs and find out how to become one yourself or improve as a business owner.

New Business Idea? How to Test It Before Launching
By Sammi Caramela | October 27, 2023

When preparing to start a business, test your business idea first to ensure its viability. Here's how.

What Is B2C?
By Bassam Kaado | October 27, 2023

B2C stands for business to consumer. In B2C transactions, businesses sell products or services directly to consumers. Learn how B2C businesses operate.

Why Troublemaker Kids Make Great Entrepreneurs
By Isaiah Atkins | October 27, 2023

Many entrepreneurs were childhood mischief-makers who showed determination and willpower. Learn how entrepreneurs can channel risk-taking to find success.

12 Unique Business Ideas to Inspire You in 2024
By Max Freedman | October 27, 2023

If you want to start a business, check out these 12 business ideas to inspire you in 2024 – and learn how to develop and implement a unique business idea.

Shark Tank Judge Robert Herjavec on Living the American Dream
By Adam Uzialko | October 26, 2023

Shark Tank investor Robert Herjavec shares advice for entrepreneurs and recounts his success stories. Learn from Herjavec's experiences and example.

18 Great Home-Based Business Ideas
By Adam Uzialko | October 26, 2023

Want to start a business you can run from home? Check out these ideas for home-based businesses with great potential.

office meeting
What Business Startup Costs Should You Consider?
By Kiely Kuligowski | October 26, 2023

Startup costs are a part of your budget that shouldn't be overlooked. Learn the most important startup costs, including legal, tech and marketing costs.

6 Steps to Become an Uber or Lyft Driver
By Saige Driver | October 26, 2023

The barriers to entry are relatively low to drive for Uber or Lyft. Follow these six steps to become a rideshare driver.

Is Direct Sales the Right Career Path for You?
By Mona Bushnell | October 26, 2023

Many aspiring entrepreneurs choose direct sales as a path to self-employment. Here's what you need to know if you're interested in independent sales consulting.

Woman using laptop
The Best Small Business Government Grants in 2024
By Skye Schooley | October 25, 2023

Government grants are free federal, state and locally funded programs to help launch or grow small businesses. Learn how to find and use government grants.