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Your Guide to Leading Your Team

All of the topics, tips, and resources that will help your grow your team. Learn how to bring on the right team members.

Latest in Leading Your Team: Advice, Tips and Resources to Help You Manage Your Team

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Setting Clear Expectations for Employees
By Isaiah Atkins | October 24, 2023

You should clearly and simply let your employees know what you expect of them. Here is how you can set clear expectations for your employees.

Cannabis at Work: How Employers Are Reacting to the Legalization of Marijuana
By Max Freedman | October 24, 2023

Medicinal cannabis is legal in a majority of states, and recreational legalization isn't far off. How are workplace policies adapting to the change?

Group of businesspeople at a conference table
Business Etiquette Musts for Your Next Client Meeting
By Sammi Caramela | October 24, 2023

Whether you're in a conference room, restaurant or remote meeting, these tips will ensure you practice proper etiquette and strengthen your network.

What Is Thought Leadership, and Why Does It Matter?
By Skye Schooley | October 24, 2023

Thought leaders influence others by giving guidance and inspiration. Learn how to establish yourself as a thought leader and boost your industry presence.

Why Employee Appreciation Is Key to Low Turnover
By Adam Uzialko | October 24, 2023

Employee appreciation and recognition can minimize turnover and strongly impact happiness. Learn ways to show your employees how much you value them.

Businesswoman receiving a paycheck
How To Develop Employee Incentive Programs That Boost Morale and Productivity
By Ross Mudrick | October 24, 2023

This guide describes how to develop employee incentive programs that boost team morale, improve productivity and increase employee retention.

What You Need to Know About the Federal Overtime Rules
By Max Freedman | October 24, 2023

Small business owners should understand the laws on who is eligible for overtime pay and when it is owed. Here is what you need to know.

Predictive or Prescriptive Analytics? Your Business Needs Both
By Nicole Fallon | October 24, 2023

Learn how both predictive and prescriptive analytics are essential data strategies for running your small business.

office meeting
10 Common Leadership Mistakes You’re Probably Making
By Sammi Caramela | October 24, 2023

Want to be the best leader for your team? Avoid making these 10 common mistakes.

20 Gifts Your Employees Will Love
By Kiely Kuligowski | October 24, 2023

Gifts can show employees your appreciation, but choosing one can be challenging. Here are 20 appropriate gift ideas that won't break the bank.

woman working in a home office
What’s Your Most Productive Work Time? How to Find Out
By Nicole Fallon | October 24, 2023

The traditional workday may not maximize performance for each worker. Discover your most productive work times and optimize your schedule for productivity.

happy officeworkers
Gamifying Your Workforce: How to Make Employee Engagement Fun
By Nicole Fallon | October 24, 2023

Gamification is a newly popular tactic to promote employee loyalty and engagement by making work processes fun and rewarding.

businesswoman holding a packed box full of office things
How to Fire an Employee: Tips for Letting Go
By Sean Peek | October 24, 2023

This guide explains the reasons you can fire an employee and offers tips from HR experts on how to do so correctly.

6 Ways to Improve Your Office’s Work Environment
By Max Freedman | October 24, 2023

Improving your work environment can boost productivity and retention while minimizing absenteeism and stress. Learn six ways to improve your workplace.

Should You Ditch That Nightmare Client?
By Nicole Fallon | October 24, 2023

When clients make outrageous demands and don't communicate, it may be time to fire them. Learn how to ditch nightmare clients tactfully.  

The Real Reasons Employees Are Late to Work
By Marisa Sanfilippo | October 24, 2023

The reasons employees give for being late to work may not always be the truth. Here are some of the most common reasons employees are tardy.

Why Critical Thinking Matters in Your Business
By Nadia Reckmann | October 24, 2023

As a business owner, you need to exercise critical thinking and teach this skill to your team. Learn how to develop and teach critical thinking skills.

manager leading a meeting
35 Inspiring Leadership Quotes
By Nicole Fallon | October 24, 2023

Choice words on power, success and leadership from presidents, CEOs and authors.

12 Tips to Take the Stress Out of Business Travel
By Ross Mudrick | October 24, 2023

Many professionals suffer from high stress and unhealthy habits during business travel. Learn to plan ahead and stay productive during a business trip.

6 Leadership Weaknesses and How to Fix Them
By Kiely Kuligowski | October 24, 2023

These leadership weaknesses are common, but with a little bit of practice, you can improve your ability to lead your team.

Honest Employee Feedback Starts at the Top
By Shayna Waltower | October 24, 2023

Getting honest feedback from employees is critical if you want to improve your business's culture and internal operations.

8 Free SWOT Templates for Small Businesses
By Shayna Waltower | October 24, 2023

A SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) analysis helps entrepreneurs make better business decisions. Find eight free SWOT templates online.

Strategy, Marketing and More: HR Functions Are Expanding
By Max Freedman | October 24, 2023

HR functions now comprise longtime HR roles and newer duties. Here's what you should know, whether you're outsourcing HR or hiring in-house.

Characteristics of a Good Leader: Tips for New Managers
By Isaiah Atkins | October 24, 2023

A manager's leadership qualities can make or break a team's effectiveness. Learn the characteristics of good leaders to find success in your position.

The Key to Increasing Productivity? Employee Breaks
By Chad Brooks | October 24, 2023

Employee breaks can lead to greater productivity and reduce burnout. Learn how to encourage employee breaks and follow laws concerning break time.

How to Find a Mentor
By Matt D’Angelo | October 24, 2023

Mentors are invaluable for career development, but what makes a good mentor, and how can you find one? Learn how to connect with the right mentor.

6 Tips for Getting Your Team to Work Together
By Bassam Kaado | October 24, 2023

Getting your employees to work well together will help your team be more successful and maintain a high level of productivity.

How to Be a Good Manager
By Skye Schooley | October 24, 2023

This guide explains how to be a good manager and leader, getting the most out of your team while keeping morale up.

Copyright Infringement: Are You Stealing Intellectual Property?
By Adam Uzialko | October 23, 2023

Copyright infringement can lead to serious financial and legal consequences. Find out how your business can avoid violating intellectual property rights.

Happy colleagues laughing
A Culture of Ethical Behavior Is Essential to Business Success
By Sean Peek | October 23, 2023

Studies show business ethics is linked to success for most businesses. How can you create a culture of ethics in your small business?