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Updated Jul 15, 2024

How to Improve Your Hiring and Recruitment Process

Learn how to create and improve your hiring process to increase employee quality and retention.

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Written By: Skye SchooleyBusiness Operations Insider and Senior Lead Analyst
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To make your business the best it can be, you need to assemble a great team. That starts with a well-rounded recruitment and hiring process, which helps you identify the best candidates for your open positions and set up new hires for success. This guide examines the importance of a recruitment and hiring process and offers guidance on how to improve it. 

What is a hiring process?

A hiring process is a step-by-step method to find, recruit and hire new employees. A good hiring process will help you attract and retain high-quality employees who match your brand. The specific elements of a hiring process are unique to each company and role, but there are general steps that every business can follow to attract and hire qualified candidates.

What steps are in the hiring process?

Although it varies based on the company, industry and role, most hiring processes include these 10 basic steps.

1. Write a job description that accurately reflects your hiring needs.

A job description is one of the first interactions a job applicant has with your organization. Make sure you are writing good job descriptions that accurately reflect your brand and the open roles.

For example, be clear about the specific responsibilities and requirements, and use some brand-specific language that gives the job applicant a feel for your company culture. Explain what you need from them and what you can provide them in return.

A well-written job description will help weed out candidates who aren’t the right fit, so it should leave you with a more focused group of resumes to evaluate.

If you want to improve your job postings, check out our guide on how to write better job descriptions.

2. Advertise and recruit for the open position.

Once you have your job description, the next step is to advertise it and recruit for the open position. Post it in multiple locations, such as your careers page, job boards, job fairs and social media. Encourage your staff to reach out to their networks for the position as well.

Zuraida Curtis, employment law editor at Brightmine, advises businesses to follow these tips for creating a successful recruitment strategy:

  1. Analyze. Take a close look at your business’s needs and goals.
  2. Identify. Know your long-term plans for expansion or reduction in staff, critical roles in the business, and any gaps that need to be filled. Be on the lookout for seasonal fluctuations in staffing requirements.
  3. Determine. Figure out the best recruitment method for your business. Job searches via social media are increasing, for example, so you could use this method to target candidates with specific skill sets.
  4. Secure. Provide a competitive salary and opportunities for personal growth within your business.
  5. Establish. Choose and implement a method for measuring results and testing whether your strategy is working. Establish a training budget to develop and enhance your employees’ skills and knowledge.

3. Analyze candidates’ resumes, cover letters and applications.

As applications start flowing in, you’ll need to come up with a process for reviewing them. You can designate one or more people to review applications and narrow down your viable candidates. You can also use some form of recruitment software, like an applicant tracking system (ATS).

An ATS analyzes candidates and searches for any flaws in the hiring process. It filters candidates according to hiring needs and makes it easier for recruiters and hiring managers to view an applicant’s performance. The software can’t make wise decisions about whom to hire, but it simplifies relevant keywords in a resume, aligning candidates with your business’s wants and needs.

With automatic rankings, you can compare resumes against the job description. The software then forwards the resumes with the highest matches to the next stage. It’s also a powerful solution for coordinating the candidate pipeline and ensuring that quality candidates are not lost in the shuffle.

4. Do a phone interview for the initial screening.

After you narrow down your pool of job applicants, conduct a phone screen interview with each of the top candidates. A phone interview is a brief, preliminary screening that takes about 15 to 30 minutes. Keep phone screens as uniform as possible. Ask a few basic “get to know you” questions, as well as inquiries about their skills, experience, and interest in the company and position. This interview should give you a sense of who the person is and what soft skills they possess. [Avoid these illegal job interview questions.]

When you conduct phone screenings, look out for red flags such as negativity, unpreparedness, lack of curiosity and poor cultural fit.

5. Conduct final-round interviews.

Your phone interviews should narrow down your pool of candidates. Conduct in-person interviews (or video conference interviews, if you’re recruiting remotely) with the remaining candidates. These interviews are more thorough to help you select your top candidates. Include multiple stakeholders in these interviews to get a broader picture of how well each candidate would fit within the organization and role.

6. Have the job applicant perform applicable assessments.

Depending on the role you are hiring for, you may want job applicants to perform applicable assessments. For example, if you are hiring for a copy editing position, you may have the candidate perform an editing exercise. Someone hiring for a sales position may have the candidate give a sample sales pitch based on a specific product the company sells.

Assessments aren’t always necessary, but they test whether the candidate can perform the responsibilities of the role. The assessment can be performed before, during or after the formal interview.

7. Run a background check, and contact references.

Contacting references and running preemployment background checks are important parts of the hiring process. They are often the final steps. There are many great background check companies that can help you run legally compliant background checks.

The purpose of a background check is to ensure the candidate is legally fit for the position. However, you should avoid discriminating against candidates based on their results. For example, refusing to hire a candidate with multiple traffic violations would be valid for a truck-driving position, but it’s not relevant to a marketing position.

8. Make a hiring decision.

Use the knowledge you’ve gained about your job candidates throughout the hiring process to make a final decision about whom to hire. Consult all parties who spoke with each candidate to make a more informed decision. Consider their qualifications and cultural fit, but don’t make decisions based on biases or discrimination.

“Try to avoid hiring on gut instinct,” Curtis told Business News Daily. “Have a structured hiring process with an effective interview process. Verify qualifications through the interview process, and complete background checks such as references.”

9. Extend a job offer.

Extend a job offer to your top pick. Highly qualified candidates are typically not on the market long, so extend the job offer quickly once you’ve decided. Include information regarding salary and benefits, and be prepared for some negotiation during this time.

10. Hire and onboard the new employee.

Your employee onboarding process can make a big difference in how successful your new hire is within your organization. First, send the necessary paperwork to the candidate for them to sign. If you use recruiting software, it will likely have e-signature capabilities, allowing new employees to accept an offer and complete onboarding paperwork remotely.

Comprehensive programs take it one step further, automating the entire onboarding process and providing your new hire with all of the training and materials they need. This will not only set up the employee for success but also improve employee retention.

Key TakeawayKey takeaway
Most hiring processes include basic steps such as recruiting, interviewing, screening, hiring and onboarding employees.

How to improve your hiring process

If you already have a hiring process in place, there is a good chance it can be enhanced to better serve your business needs. Here are 13 tips to improve your hiring process.

1. Build a strong employer brand.

More than 75 percent of professionals are passive candidates who aren’t currently looking for a job but are open to new opportunities. Building a strong employer brand not only reduces employee turnover by 28 percent but also attracts these passive candidates to your company over others.

A Glassdoor survey found that 69 percent of respondents are likely to apply for a job if the employer actively manages its brand by responding to reviews, updating the company’s profile, and sharing updates on the company’s culture and work environment.

When you focus on building a well-known employer brand, you won’t have to do as much active recruiting; you’ll be a highly sought-after organization that attracts lots of applicants.

2. Answer candidates’ frequently asked questions.

Another excellent recruitment strategy is to create a page or section on your website that addresses questions that candidates often ask. Many candidates may be reluctant to apply for jobs because they still need answers to certain questions before they apply. You can either take specific questions that new candidates have asked you or ask your present employees what questions they had before they were hired. This will help you create a page that covers the concerns candidates may have, thereby informing candidates and saving time.

3. Move as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Workleap reported that the best candidates are off the market in 10 days. Act quickly, especially when you know you’re interested in a specific applicant. Even if you haven’t made a decision yet, follow up with the candidate often, discussing further details of the position to ensure you’re on their radar. Respond to any questions or concerns right away to keep them updated throughout the process.

4. Write better job descriptions.

Many companies write job descriptions with lists of responsibilities and requirements, but these job postings aren’t always helpful. Making job descriptions accurate and succinct is essential for attracting the right types of candidates for your open positions. Failure to do so can make it even harder to sort through the applications you’ll get back, and you may not even get a suitable candidate for the job. Focus on what your company can do for potential employees, and you’ll attract candidates who better fit your needs.

5. Embrace digital trends and social media.

Most people want to work for companies that keep up with the latest tech trends. Part of embracing the digital age means using public social media profiles for candidate research. Like most employers, you’ll probably conduct a standard preemployment background check on applicants, but social media screenings of a candidate’s public social media profiles can offer more details about the individual as a person and an employee, for better or worse.

It’s legally risky to allow a candidate’s social media activity to factor into your hiring decisions, because it can result in unconscious bias or discrimination. However, it can give you a better picture of a job applicant you’re interested in hiring.

Social media recruitment is also a great strategy for reaching the right audience and attracting talent, said Kayla Vatalaro, former head of talent and social impact at Asana.

“We believe in the power of the employee voice to tell the Asana story, and our employees have a significant influence on social media,” Vatalaro said. “Every week across our social channels, our employer brand team shares an Asana Women Wednesday post, featuring the great work of one of the women from our global team.”

Vatalaro said this form of employee advocacy has increased traffic to the company’s careers page and become a crucial part of its recruitment and talent management strategy. 

7. Encourage employee referrals.

One of the best ways to hire quality candidates is through referrals from current employees or people in your network. Referrals are a good way to screen potential candidates before interviewing them. If your trusted employee recommends a previous colleague or a friend whose work experience they know well, it gives you a level of security knowing that this new applicant can do good work. In contrast, when you hire a stranger, there is less certainty about a candidate’s work ethic and potential fit for the team.

Although you shouldn’t give referrals preferential treatment, a recommendation from someone already on staff or in your network is an added benefit for that applicant. Ensure that the candidate’s qualifications make them an ideal fit for the job, and use the referral as insurance that you’re making the right hiring decision.

One way to solicit referrals from current employees is to implement a referral bonus program. If an employee refers an applicant and that applicant eventually gets hired, the employee who referred the new hire can receive monetary compensation. Even if the bonus is only a few hundred dollars, it makes employees more willing to recommend people they know are quality candidates. 

Did You Know?Did you know
An employee referral program can improve employee retention in the long run.

8. Optimize for mobile.

A mobile-friendly hiring process is one of the best ways to draw in candidates. According to SmartRecruiters, close to 90 percent of job seekers use a mobile device when looking for a new job opportunity. That number has risen significantly over the past few years.

To that end, your app or website should allow candidates to accept offers, hold live video interviews, complete referral tasks and self-schedule interviews. For retention purposes, you can also build in functions for new employees, such as an interactive employee handbook, benefits registration and access to paid-time-off (PTO) balances.

9. Fit the personality to the job.

Although the right skill set may seem like the most important factor in whether a candidate is a good fit, the truth is that skills can be acquired, but personalities cannot.

During the selection process, consider how a candidate’s personality traits align with the daily job tasks. For instance, a trait such as empathy is much more important for a nurse or a social worker than it is for a tax attorney or a computer programmer.

What kind of person you hire depends on [the] culture of [the] organization and the kind of job,” said Maynard Brusman, a San Francisco-based psychologist and founding principal of consulting firm Working Resources. “A great person with all kinds of skills may be a good fit for one and a poor fit for another, simply based on their personality type.”

10. Improve your interviews.

A study by Leadership IQ found that failures exhibited by new employees may result from flawed interview processes. In the study, 82 percent of the 5,000 managers surveyed reported that the interviewers were too focused on other issues, were too pressed for time, or lacked the confidence in their interviewing abilities to pay attention to red flags.

According to Mark Murphy, founder and CEO of Leadership IQ, this is because the job interview process focuses on making sure new hires are technically competent, whereas other factors that are just as important to employees’ success — like coachability, emotional intelligence, temperament and motivation — are often overlooked.

Interviewing the candidate

One way to improve the interview process is to double up on interviewers. Multiple interviewers in the room at once can have several benefits:

  • It shortens the interview process.
  • It lightens a hiring manager’s load.
  • It hands employers a better opportunity to give candidates honest feedback.

Doug Camplejohn, CEO and founder of Airspeed, advised hiring managers to have an open discussion about the interview in front of the candidate as if they weren’t in the room. It may seem strange, but he said candidates appreciate the candor.

“It’s a much more honest process than saying your thank-yous and then rejecting someone over email or through a recruiter,” Camplejohn said. “Even candidates who we’ve passed on have commented on how refreshing the process is and asked to stay in touch.”

Letting the candidate interview you

Allow prospective employees to interview you as well. Letting candidates ask questions gives you a chance to see what’s important to them, Brusman said. It also lets them determine whether they want to keep pursuing a job at your company.

“Be open and honest about what it’s going to be like to work for your company,” Brusman said. “You want to give a realistic preview of the work environment.”

11. Offer quality employee benefits and perks.

A comprehensive selection of employee benefits and perks can be a good way to attract a diverse and talented applicant pool. In addition to providing competitive salaries and a good company culture, companies that offer work-life balance and comprehensive health insurance packages appeal to a broad range of candidates. There are plenty of traditional work benefits that attract top talent, and there’s no shortage of unusual and creative perk options. Flexible work offerings, like the ability to telecommute, have become very popular with employees since the beginning of the pandemic. 

Wondering which employee benefits you should offer? Check out our guide on how to build a great employee benefits package.

When you’re explaining your benefits to prospective employees, you can also highlight other features, such as your company’s efforts to create a culture of diversity and inclusion and opportunities for employee advancement.

12. Use recruiting software.

Recruiting software is designed to automate the tedious parts of recruiting and allow you to do much more than you would be able to handle manually. It can easily blast out multiple customized job postings, send bulk rejection or welcome emails, and automatically transition candidates to the next phase of the recruitment process based on preset configurations. When recruiting software tracks your candidates every step of the way, you reach the best candidates and streamline the hiring process. If you’re looking for a more robust option, take a look at the best HR software providers, which have options for streamlining recruitment.

Automation and tracking capabilities increase your hiring efficiency, allowing recruiters to focus on what matters: engaging with great candidates. This reduces recruiting time and increases employee engagement and satisfaction. Some recruiting software can handle multiple aspects of the onboarding process for you. Recruiting software that provides analytics gives you insight into how your hiring process is performing and where you can improve.

Platforms such as BambooHR allow you to track and hire job applicants, onboard and offboard employees, access HR management tools, track employee time and PTO, and view advanced reporting on candidates and employees. Read our BambooHR review to learn more.

13. Monitor your reviews.

Potential employees often seek inside information about companies they want to work for, including salary estimates, interview tips, and reviews from current and former employees from sites such as Glassdoor. Studies show that 86 percent of Glassdoor users read company reviews and ratings before deciding to apply for a job. Top candidates may not even apply in the first place if they don’t like what they see — 50 percent of job seekers said they would not take a job with a company that had a bad reputation, even for a pay increase.

Actions that draw in candidates include being active on review websites and posting accurate information. If you have a lot of negative reviews from former employees, it may be time to work on your company culture before you try to fill any open positions. This can improve your employee retention and lead to more positive reviews that will attract quality employees.

Recruitment and hiring require a strategy

It can be easy to pay attention to recruitment and hiring only when you need help, but these activities deserve a comprehensive and ongoing strategy. By considering the elements above and following best practices, you can maximize the chances that your business finds the candidates it needs when the time comes. After all, your business is only as successful as your team, so filling your open positions with top talent should be a key priority.

Tejas Vemparala and Sammi Caramela contributed to this article. Source interviews were conducted for a previous version of this article.

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Written By: Skye SchooleyBusiness Operations Insider and Senior Lead Analyst
Skye Schooley is a business expert with a passion for all things human resources and digital marketing. She's spent 10 years working with clients on employee recruitment and customer acquisition, ensuring companies and small business owners are equipped with the information they need to find the right talent and market their services. At Business News Daily, Schooley primarily covers workplace topics, such as employee monitoring, company morale, harassment, compensation, and time and attendance. In recent years, Schooley has largely focused on analyzing HR software products and other human resources solutions to lead businesses to the right tools for managing personnel responsibilities and maintaining strong company cultures. Schooley, who holds a degree in business communications, excels at breaking down complex topics into reader-friendly guides and enjoys interviewing business consultants for new insights. Her work has appeared in a variety of formats, including long-form videos, YouTube Shorts and newsletter segments.
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