Many small businesses fall victim to credit card processing scams. Learn about common credit card processing scams and how to find a credit card processor.
Follow these tips to get a better deal with your credit card processor.
Learn the basics of credit card processing, including fees, transaction types, and pros and cons.
An income statement can be used for gauging the health of a business and making strategic decisions. This guide explains how to prepare an income statement
This guide explains how business owners can pay themselves with a payroll tactic known as an "owner's draw."
A business line of credit provides a lot of financial flexibility. Here is how it could help your business.
Processing payroll is critical for businesses. Refer to this payroll checklist to ensure you stay compliant and don't miss vital payroll processing steps.
Exporting invoices from QuickBooks is quick and efficient. Learn how to do it here.
SMS payments can help you obtain customer payments that might otherwise go missed – and that's not their only benefit.
Learn how to accept overnight payments electronically and offer this added benefit to your customers.
This guide explains invoice factoring, a funding option available to businesses that turns outstanding invoices into cash in exchange for a fee.
What's the best receipt app for your business? We reached out to small business owners and other professionals to find out what software they prefer.
Tracking cost of goods sold (COGS) is an important indicator of financial health and critical for tax deductions. Here's how to calculate COGS.
Businesses that operate a fleet of vehicles know how much money they are spending on fuel each month. Here are several ways to cut down on those expenses.
Learn what merit pay is, how to award merit pay increases, and best practices for implementing a merit pay policy.
A term loan is a one-time upfront payment to fund a one-time project or long-term business growth. Learn whether a term loan is right for your business.
Payroll accounting is the process by which businesses track expenses related to payroll. Learn more about it and how accounting software can help.
Joseph Hennessey, Small Business Innovation Research Adviser, explains
Medical claims are documents that your practice must submit to payers for reimbursement. Learn how to create them here.
This guide introduces the concept of accounting standards and explains why they are important to businesses trying to better manage their finances.
Section 179 lets you deduct the cost of a business asset in the year you buy it or place it in service. Learn if it's the best choice for your business.
Some tax deductions may cause the IRS to flag your tax return while others could even land you in trouble. Learn what deductions you can and can't take.
Expense reports help you understand your business's financial activities, profit margins and cash flow. Learn about creating and using expense reports.
Payroll liabilities are payroll expenses a business owes but has not paid. These liabilities can appear every time you run payroll.
Businesses use acquisition loans to acquire other businesses or strategic assets, such as equipment. Learn how they can help your company.
Freelancers are responsible for figuring out their own tax obligations and when to pay. Learn how to pay taxes as a freelancer.
Mental health billing differs from medical billing due to variables in mental healthcare not present in primary or specialty care. Learn what's involved.
A tax audit is a review of your reported data to ensure it is correct. Here is how a small business can avoid one and how to handle it when the IRS calls.
If your employees are regularly working past their 40 hours a week, you are liable to pay them overtime. Find out what that means for your business.
Gross pay is what employees earn before taxes, benefits and payroll deductions are withheld. The remaining amount is net pay. Learn how to calculate each.